Creating movies with social action distribution movements for the global community that provokes deep questions about why we are who we are, addressing the nature of the human heart – with an emphasis on compassion, forgiveness, justice and generosity.
Lukas Behnken - Founder - Lead Producer - Creator
Katherine Boecher - Founder - Creative Director
Seeking Producer and Campaign Creator positions for funded feature films and documentaries for production and social action campaign releases.
'Surpassing Sight' - Premiering Late Fall 2024
- Producer -- Campaign Creator
Campaign: Lowering the unemployment of the blind in USA
'I Hate You But It's Killing Me' - Premiere March 3, 2024
- Producer - Director - Campaign Creator
Campaign: Healing hate between people that know each other
'CABRINI' - In Theaters - March 8 2024
- Line Producer - UPM
Campaign - Women empowerment and immigration reform
'Baselines' - Streaming Now on MANSA app
- Producer
Campaign - Elevating black storytellers, basketball excellence
'Sound of Freedom' - Released - Streaming Now.
- Producer - USA content
Campaign: Rescuing children from trafficking globally
'MULLY' - Released - Available Now
Producer - Campaign Co-Founder
Campaign - Empowering Mully Children's Family's work in Kenya
- Foster and adoption in USA -
'American Skin' - Released - Available Now
Producer - Campaign Co-Creator
Campaign - Race relations and policing equity in America
'The Royal' - Available Now
Associate Producer
Campaign - Addressing unbalanced prison sentencing
in relation to race and drug charges.

I Hate You But It's Killing Me
Director/Producer - Production Company
View Project
Interpersonal hate destroys lives from the inside out and often in silence. It is part of the human plight and it is universal. Hate does not care about your race, creed, education, gender, age or anything else. Loneliness and isolation in emotion is rampant and a mental health plight our world has never before faced at such ubiquitous levels with elevated anxiety, tension, and the uncertainty of our pandemic times. What the Director/Producer Lukas Behnken discovered early in production of this film was that people struggling with hate did not know HOW to find relief or WHERE to look for healing. What he quickly realized is that the Film begins the conversation, but what people really need is COMMUNITY––– to connect and share stories of hope, then TOOLS––– to learn how to begin their own journeys of relief and healing from hate, and finally PATHWAYS––– to resources and survivors, NGO's and partners specializing in the areas of mental health, recovery, anti-recidivism, forgiveness, resilience, and reconciliation.

Producer - Co-Writer - Production Company
View Project
​'Surpassing Sight’ parallels Jack Chen and Dan Berlin, both blind and highly successful in business, master the journey of building a team to tackle the toughest cycling race in the world, RAAM, with their equally grueling journey through the employment world.
They knew that their positions as Assistant General Counsel for Meta and CEO of a large food company were not aberrations. Jack Chen and Dan Berlin caught a vision to fundamentally alter the way that employers think about talent in the blind community. In this gripping documentary, they set out to prove to the world that people who are blind could be successful both on and off the bike, in the saddle and in the boardroom.